After such a memorable holiday, for whatever reason the truly qrazy quail are fighting again!!!!!!
Rusty was behaving very oddly, and we thought she was just having a quail menopause, as she stopped laying eggs lately....but then we saw Ermentrude chasing her around, quite viciously!
We put Ermentrude in the cage (within the green house) for a couple of days.
We let her out...
She went STRAIGHT for Rusty!
So we put Rusty in the cage for a couple of days.
We let her out...
Ermentrude went straight for Rusty......!
Final and ONLY solution - STEVIE the Decoy Quail.
Cleaned, re-painted, and improved Stevie, all ready to go.
"Now then, ladies..."
"I'm here to sort you two out!!"
By moving Stevie into different locations occasionally, the real quail seem to think Stevie is real (or just a strange object in different locations...).
Oh no......not her again!
Two qrazy quail seem too busy thinking about Stevie, and there have been no sign of war for a day and half... Let's hope that everyone can live in peace now.