Zebedee's wound got better after a few days so we popped her back in the run... We were warned by our friend who has experience with chickens, that other quail might pick on Zebedee after being out of their sight.
Ok, as soon as she went back in, Dougal and Rusty went for Zebedee! It was horrible to watch as those two were darting around the run to get her. Zebedee looked really worried and she kept hiding behind and on top of pots. She also started flapping (jumping vertically, like quail do), which made us think that this was maybe already happening and she ended up banging her lump on the ceiling.
Ermentrude didn't seem bothered either way. She gets on with everyone. What a good natured quail!
So.............................Dougal and Rusty ended up in a cage.
Not impressed!
The cage was placed right by the run, so they could still see each other.
Meanwhile, we ordered a small greenhouse. Not for vegetables, but for those qrazy quail.
A new house, a new start, everyone will be happy.
After a few weeks, the greenhouse arrived.
Firstly we moved Zebedee and Ermantrude out of the run. Then we quickly half dismantled and moved the run and hutch onto other area. Everyone was then put into the run while we constructed the greenhouse.
Everyone seemed pretty excited to be in a different environment with a red currant bush in the middle of their run. They went mad!!! Ate the leaves, run between the twigs......they were happy in there!
Guess what though.
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